wxBasic (2021-12-14)

Begonnen von Administrator, 24.05.2022, 07:32:08 VORMITTAG

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Im Januar wurde die neue wxBasic Version vom Dezember 2021 in das Netz gestellt.
Eine Mac Version ist ebenfalls vorhanden. Leider fehlt im Moment die aktuelle Version für Linux.

Den Download findet ihr hier:  https://www.wxbasic.net/downloads

Änderungen seit der letzten Veröffentlichung:

Zitat3.0.5.50 (2021-12-14)
M1 version for macOS
In App resource integrate lib with odbc drivers (2021-01-01)
use wx 3.0.5
BUGFIX in wxDatabaseLayer.mysql-client
BUGFIX in wx 3.0.5 wxDateTime and wxGetOsDescription
depending on wx version:
* wxAuiNotebookXmlHandler, wxCollapsiePaneXmlHandler, wxSpinCtrlDoubleXmlHandler, wxDataViewXmlHandler
* wxLocale_GetInfo(wxLOCALE_DATE_TIME_FMT)
* wxBitmapFromEmbedded
* wxImageFromEmbedded
* wxAuiPaneButton
* wxPaintEvent
* wxNcPaintEvent

- extend wxPlatformInfo
- extend wxAuiTabArt
- add wxThemeStatusBar
- add wxThemeToolBarArt (2019-11)
BUGFIX: free up memory
comment: dim f as wxFrame = wxFrame (w/o NEW if no further action)
         but use dim f as wxFrame = new wxFrame if events are handled "Sub OnClose(ev) Handles f.closeWindow"
wxTimeSpan::Format supports now given format string
wxImageFromEmbedded(const char* base64string) added
wxBitmapFromEmbedded(const char* base64string) added

2020-03-29: use wxDataTime from 3.1.3, as wx-3.0.4 has performance problems (2019-02/03)
wxbWorbench Win/Mac
wxDisplay extended (2018-11/12)
bugfix: ExecSQL(); wxDatabaseLayer, mysql-client, RunQuery with some stored procedures there were no result set
bugfix: wxDbRecordset, mysql-client, call stored procedure (2018-01)
link with wx303 on windows, plattformtoolset vs141
compiler on windows is now Visual Studio 2017
wxItemWithControls: Append, Insert, SetClientData, GetClientData support a long value instead (void*)
strerror(errno) (2017-02/03/04/05/08/10)
link with wx302 on windows, plattformtoolset vs120
link with wx303 on macOS
class.i revised
. wxGrid
. wxHeaderCtrl
. wxDataView: wxDataViewCtrl, wxDataViewListCtrl, wxDataViewTreeCtrl
. wxTreeCtrl
. wxTreeListCtrl
. wxStyledTextCtrl
. wxRichText
. wxGraphicsContext
class_wxwebkit.i added, sample added
class_wxbase: wxDatabaseLayer: +tds
new trace loop for wx302
lot of bugfixes to wxDatabaseLayer for tds and mysql to meet the requirements of wxDbEngine
in debug libmysql.dll and in release linked in mysqlclient.lib
wxb uses freetds.dll, while wxbc is linked again tds.lib
to protect source, all flags to access embedded/linked source are disabled
all const parameters of types wxArrayString, wxArrayInt, wxArrayLong, wxArrayDouble can be replaced optionally by a wxBasic table
bugfixes in date() and datevalue() and calculation of it
by default there are no trace codes generated, use -enabletrace
class.i added
. wxFileSystemWatcher
. wxGridCellImageRenderer
. wxMiniFrame
. wxCommandLinkButton
. wxEditableListBox
. wxGenericCalendarCtrl
. wxFileCtrl
. wxSearchCtrl
. wxInfoBar
. wxAnimationCtrl
. wxBannerWindow
. wxPopupWindow
. wxPopupTransientWindow
. wxRichToolTip